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Patsy Lee

About The Artist

Back in the World War II days, they were calling Patsy Lee, the "Queen of the Cowgirl Yodelers". Many female singers would try to also call themselves a similar title, but Patsy, who was a native of Cherokee, Oklahoma, laid claim over a long period of time and popularity.

Her popularity was such that she had a fan club of over 6,000 members at one time. The club published the usual journals periodically, every three months along with photos.

She worked with some well known acts as Gene Autry, another legendary cowboy singer and Ray Whitley.

Could she yodel? She had quite a few yodels she could do including "... eighty fancy, double triple, single, Indian and swiss yodels." They said she could yodel for hours without doing the same one twice!

She was also known for her flashy western attire.

Around 1952, she was appearing over WFEA in Manchester, New Hampshire.

Credits & Sources

  • Cowboy Songs No. 23; November 1952; American Folk Publications; Derby, CT

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