Hillbilly-Music.com - Keeping Country Music History Alive
Hillbilly-Music Folio Display

Artist Lists

Artist Listing
Now you've got a list of artist names on the right. What to do next? Easy enough. Just click on the artist name you're interested in and it will take you to more details about that artist.

We're far from finished with this effort. We'll be adding more information, even more artists and groups as we go along. So, stay tuned! We're aiming to be the complete source of old time Hillbilly music and won't stop til we get there.

So, you wonder who we might update as we go along? Well, if you see an "*" next to a name, that will tell you that in the current year, we either:

Of course, don't let your curiosity stop you from viewing the other artists, too. This may be 'history', but we keep discovering new information every day it seems.

Artist Name (with Band or other details)
  Charles Nabell
  Johnny Nace
  Smoky Nance and the Blue Ridge Buddies
  Bill Napier
  Len Nash and His Country Boys
  Trapper Nash
  Curley Joe Nason and the Roving Ramblers
  Natchee the Indian *
  Buck Nation
  Benny (King) Nawahi and His Hawaiians *
  Sol Nawahine
  Abbie Neal and the Ranch Girls
  Bob Neal
  Fiddlin' Dave Neal
  Frank Neal and his Boys
  Lois Jane Neal *
  Jay Neas *
  Richard Neher (The Songfellows)
  John Neher (WLS Quartet)
  Johnny Nelms *
  Art Nelson
  Fiddlin' Frank Nelson *
  Guy Nelson
  Ruth Nelson
  Scotty Nelson
  Steve Nelson *
  Tommy Nelson
  Willie Nelson
  Carl (Zeb) Nelson (Zeb and Mandy) *
  Nova (Mandy) Nelson (Zeb and Mandy) *
  Jim Nesbitt
  Paul Nettinga (WLS Quartet)
  Bill Nettles and His Dixie Blue Boys
  Frank Neves
  Peggy Neville
  Jim New
  Roy New
  Smilin' Cowboy Bill Newcomb
  Jimmy Newill *
  Bob Newman
  Elmer Newman
  Jack Newman *
  Jimmy C. Newman
  Pancake Pete Newman
  Roy Newman and His Boys
  Ernie Newton
  Ken Newton
  Nev Nicholls
  Bob Nichols
  Bob Nichols and Hugh Cross
  Bob Nichols and Riley Puckett
  Cowboy Sam Nichols and the Melody Rangers
  Joe Paul Nichols
  Red Nichols and His Five Pennies
  Bill Nicholson
  William (W. B.) Nicholson
  Lefty Nicks
  Nick Nickson
  Bill Nix and the Country Young'uns
  Hoyle Nix
  Wally Nix
  Jolly Joe Nixon *
  Eddie Noack
  Goldie Noble
  Hank Noble
  Dale Noe
  Chris Noel
  Dick Noel
  Jack Noel *
  Phyllis Noel *
  Bob Nolan
  Norma and her Melody Playboys
  Ben and Jessie Norman
  Julie B. Norman
  Junior Norman
  Sunny Norman *
  Fate Norris and & His Playboys
  Fate Norris and & Tanner's Boys
  Land Norris
  Frank Novak and His Rootin' Tootin' Boys
  Cecil Null
  Randy Nunley and the Pehlam Valley Boys *
  Goober P. Nutt and the Kentuckians
  Nutty Nuttall


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