Hillbilly-Music.com - Keeping Country Music History Alive
Hillbilly-Music Folio Display

Pat Buttram
Born:  June 19, 1915
Died:  January 8, 1994
Hollywood Walk of Fame (1988)
WLS National Barn Dance

About The Artist

He could be heard on the early morning shows or at noon and occasionally on the Barn Dance. He brought some choice backwoods humor of the old South to his performances. They said he often got asked, "Is that his natural voice or is he just putting on?" He was a natural.

Had a unique description of his 'potato-floater', but we don't know what that was. He was quite a philosopher on top of being a comedian.

He also used his comedy talents on occasion as the master of ceremonies for the Barn Dance show. His '...uncertain voice wends its way through side-splitting comedy ever Saturday night.'

Back around 1939, he had his own program called "Buttram's Palatial Palace of Wonders."

Timeline and Trivia Notes

  • Native of Winston County, Alabama
  • Son of a rural minister

Appearance History This Month

January 21, 1937
WLS National Barn Dance (Evening Only)
Lakeview High School Auditorium
Chicago, IL
Pat Buttram

January 27, 1937
WLS Artists
LaSalle Hotel (Illinois Agricultural Association Convention)
Chicago, IL
Pat Buttram

Artist Lists


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Academy of Country Music (ACM)
Country Music Association (CMA)