Hillbilly-Music.com - Keeping Country Music History Alive
Hillbilly-Music Folio Display

Tex Ritter Story
By Johnny Bond
Chappell Music Company
397 Pages

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From the book's preface:


My daddy was a hero to everyone who saw him sing a song or ride off into a beautiful sunset.

Many children grew up thinking of my daddy as the man who was always on the good side.

I'm 28 now and he's still my hero.

I still think of him, waving his white cowboy hat, riding his white horse and singing a happy song, whenever I see a beautiful sunset. Because I knew him well and loved him, I see a beautiful sunset every night.

I used to have a friend ...

I went to Baseball games with him. I remember rooting for the Dodgers with him, laughing with joy when they would win.
I traveled throughout the United States with him.
He showed me the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia.
He showed me the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.
Once he took me to Southeast Asia with him.
He taught me to love and help my fellow man.
He took me places others only hear about.
He gave me things others only dream about.
He showed me friends others only read about.
He was a good friend of mine.

Looking back, I realize how lucky I was to have him as a good friend . . . that I truly loved.

I miss you Dad

Tom Ritter
July, 1975


My father would snore in his sleep.
When I was 5 years old
It would make me laugh.

My father would snore in his sleep.
When I was 10 years old
It scared me. He seemed so big and so loud.

My father would snore in his sleep.
When I was at 15 I would wish
That he'd roll over and just be quiet.

My father would snore in his sleep.
When I was at 20 it touched me
That he was still snoring.

My father would snore in his sleep.
When I was 25 years old
Each snore was a special song
That I can still hear.

I'm now 26 years old
And I'm beginning to snore in my sleep.

I love you Dad ...
J. Ritter June


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