Hillbilly-music.com aims to have it all or try to. The artists. The dj's and the emcees. We'll try and have something on it. Go back in time. Read about the old shows - it wasn't just the Grand Ole Opry back then. You'll be surprised.
Hillbilly-music.com is meant to be an online historical site of the early days of hillbilly music as it transforms into what we today call country music.
If there was a 78rpm recording by the artist, then we hope we'll be lucky enough to find out about it and get the info into our database. We'll leave the detailed listings to those who do more research as to specific recordings sessions and matrix numbers and the like. We try to come upon the information naturally. We encourage you to see out the various discography books if you want more details and histories of the labels.
If there is a photo of the artist, group or disc jockey or Emcee, then we'll try and get that, too. Mostly from common publications that are usually publicity type photos.
If there was a live broadcast over radio of the old barn dance, jamboree, opry, hoedown type shows and trust me - there were a lot of them, we'll try and provide you with some information on the show or at least as much as we can find.
Our 'resources' area is like a bibliography to a book. If you've got an itch to learn more about what you find here - that might be a good starting point for you to go from. And by no means is it everything that could be out there. Part of this site is the fun in finding new information. Its sort of like a scavenger hunt.
You'll see us try and get information on the lesser known folks of the hillbilly music era right now more than the more established names. How could we possibly add more to Hank Williams' legend? There were many folks out there who helped hillbilly music gain its popularity and allowed others to rise up through the ranks so to speak to become some of the more well known stars we know of today. Or even become the legends of today.
Our mailing address is:
Attn: Dave
P.O. Box 576245
Modesto, CA 95357-6245
Here, we'll list those who've helped us out along the way. Some will let us tell you who they are and even allow themselves to be contacted via email. Others may wish to remain anonymous, but we thank and acknowledge them just the same.
And last but not least, we want to dedicate this effort as a way of saying thanks to them at the same time. Without them, we wouldn't be here. Without them, we wouldn't have found out about this hillbilly music on those Saturday night get togethers or going to those shows at the Hammond Civic Center. Or being able to play mom's record collection. Here's a toast to them....
Gib Epling
[email protected]
Cliff Japhet
Dick Hill
Ivan Tribe
Wanda Kohls
International Country Music Conference
Mark Brine
Down Home Music
El Cerrito, CA
The Record Man
The Hillbilly Researcher Team
Tricker - Turner - Sax
Artists and their Families
Many thanks for sharing their memories with us
Anonymous folks
Yes, Hillbilly Music. You may perhaps wonder why. You may even snicker. But trust us, soon your feet will start tappin' and before you know it, you'll be comin' back for more...Hillbilly Music.
Hillbilly-music.com ...
It's about the people, the music, the history.
Copyright © 2000—2025 Hillbilly-Music.com
Content is copyright
by Hillbilly-Music.com except where noted. Articles and photos attributed
to others are used by this site with the owner's permission and require
you to obtain permission to re-use or reprint. Except where noted, all
information is from the collection and archives of Hillbilly-Music.com.