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Hillbilly-Music Folio Display

Cowboy Lore
The Story of the Cowboy, Cowboy Dictionary, Brands, Customs, Pranks, Stories and Songs
By Jules Verne Allen (The Singing Cowboy)
Naylor Company
164 Pages

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From the book's Foreword...
By William Thomas Carley

In gathering and publishing the songs that are found in this notable volume, in narrating with a master hand the glorious panorama of the hardy actors of the Texas Frontier of the Seventies, Eighties and Nineties, of picturesque characters who live now only in the rose garden and hallowed memory, Mr. Allen has made a contribution to the folk-lore of the Southwest which will not soon be forgotten. Depicting in colors that will never fade the lofty souls of those cowmen who have crossed The Great Divide to a Green Pasture Land—to The Roundup In Glory—where there's plenty of fat cattle, no sheep, no alkali, no dry water holes, no "chip-carts," but plenty of wood and good horses—Cowboy Heaven.


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