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Winnie, Lou and Sally
WLS National Barn Dance

About the Group

About The Group

Why were they called "Winnie, Lou and Sally"? Was it by accident the first letters of their names were "W L S"? They did many programs in the studio as well as doing many personal appearances in the midwest, including the Illinois and Indiana State Fairs.

Back in 1938, Lucille Overstake became part of the group when Marge Dempsey went and got married. Helen was also known to play the organ.

Timeline and Trivia Notes

  • Helen Jensen
  • Eileen (Sally) Jensen
  • Adele (Winnie) Jensen
  • In 1937, Margaret (Winnie) Dempsey had joined the group; apparently replacing Adele.
  • In 1938, Lucille Overstake (of the Three Little Maids at one time) became part of the group, replacing Miss Dempsey.

Credits & Sources

  • WLS Stand-By; September 11, 1937; pg. 4; Prairie Farmer Publishing Co.; Chicago, IL