Hillbilly-Music.com - Keeping Country Music History Alive
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Al Libby

About The Artist

Al Libby was said to be a "one man show". Thought not the atypical hillbilly music performer, he was the comedic relief that was so often found with the music era of that day. He was featured as a comedian, ventriloquist, trombonist and soft-shoe dancer.

Mr. Libby perhaps had his roots in the old vaudeville circuit as a short bio we have mentions he had appeared in "many theaters throughout the country". He was said to have appeared on radio shows, television, night clubs and cowboy jamborees. He also toured with the USO and entertained the troups during World War II.

Credits & Sources

  • Hillbilly-Music.com wishes to thank Gordon Brown, of the New England Country Music Historical Society for the photo and notes for this artist.

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