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Cindy Coy
Born:  July 26, 1919
Died:  April 4, 1993
WIBC Indianapolis, IN
WILE Cambridge, OH
WMMN Fairmont, WV
WPDX Clarksburg, WV

About The Artist

Cindy Coy was a stage name for Evelyn Carpenter (born 1919) who sang on radio at WMMN Fairmont and after 1947 at WPDX Clarksburg.

In 1948, National Hillbilly News reported she had moved to WMMN in Fairmont, WV and teamed up with another female singer and they were dubbed the "Carpenter Sisters". The duo then moved on to WIBC in Indianapolis, IN where there were known as the "Hoosier Sweethearts." But her partner decided she wanted to get married, so the duo broke up.

She went home to Ohio and while there, the FCC had approved the call letters WILE for a 1000 watt station in Cambridge, OH on the 1270am dial. The station created a "Musical Roundup" program and recruited her to be on it. Others on that show were Flannels Miller, fiddler, Dallas Bond, vocals and guitar, Shorty Hackley on electric guitar, Steve Poloscak on accordian and Leonard Patterson on bass, Evelyn Miller, vocalist, Donald George, a 12-year old singer and of course Cindy as singer and yodeler.

She often worked on personal appearances with Cherokee Sue and Little John Graham, Budge and Fudge Mayse, Dusty Shaver, and Jackie Osborne as the West Virginia Hill Folks.

John Graham, Junior remembers her as a kind-hearted lady who often had small gifts for him and his sister.

Apparently she never married and after the demise of live radio about 1957, she worked as music librarian at WPDX.

By 1980, she worked as a store clerk in Clarksburg and nothing is known after that.

She only made one single recording on the Cozy label.

Credits & Sources

  • Hillbilly-Music.com would like to express its thanks to Ivan M. Tribe, author of Mountaineer Jamboree — Country Music in West Virginia and other books that can be found on Amazon.com and numerous articles in other publications for providing us with information about this artist.
  • Meet Cindy Coy; Arlie Kinkade; July / August 1948; National Hillbilly News; Mr. and Mrs. Orville Via; Huntington, WV

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