Hillbilly-Music.com - Keeping Country Music History Alive
Hillbilly-Music Folio Display

John Behan
Born:  June 3, 1901
Died:  August 29, 1963
WHO Iowa Barn Dance Frolic
KFI Los Angeles, CA
WHO Des Moines, IA (1932)

About The Artist

John Behan was born in Clinton, Iowa. He began his musical career as a theater pianist when he was just 13 years old. His talents on the organ took him to New York where he played in theaters while studying voice.

Next, he sang in the movie productions:

  • The Desert Song
  • Viennese Nights
  • Song of the Flame

He started working in radio broadcasting over KFI. About mid to late 1930s, he moved to WHO where he could be heard on many of their shows but also played the Shrine organ, accompanying many of the acts that appeared on the WHO Barn Dance Frolic show.

Credits & Sources

  • Souvenir Program, W-H-O Barn Dance Frolic; date published unknown

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