Hillbilly-Music.com - Keeping Country Music History Alive
Hillbilly-Music Folio Display

Ozark Jubilee
Springfield, MO
Year Started:  1953
Date Started:  December 26, 1953
Year Ended:  1961

Ozark Jubilee

Sorry to say we don't have anything here for you to read about the Ozark Jubilee. That's either because we haven't got it finished yet or we haven't found anything about it.

If you have any information you can share with us such as news or magazine articles, books, song folios, photos, etc., send it along!

You can contact us at countrymusichistory@hillbilly-music.com.

Pete Stamper

David Houston

Junior (Speedy) Haworth

Uncle Cyp and Aunt Sap

Bobby Lord

Tabby West

Uncle Cyp Brasfield

Jimmy Gately

Aunt Sap Brasfield

Charlie Phillips and the Sugartimers

Lew Childre

Slim Wilson and Tall Timber Trio

Bob Moore

Harold Morrison

Wanda Jackson

Jack Reno

Porter Wagoner and the Wagonmasters

Red Foley

Norma Jean

Hawkshaw Hawkins

Suzi Arden

Bob White

Jean Shepard

Floyd (Goo Goo) Rutledge

Libby Horne



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