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Omaha Rangers

About The Group

The Omaha Rangers had been at radio station KFAB over 15 months back in 1947. They were doing three programs a day and had been on the air with seven sponsors! The Omaha Rangers consisted of five band members.

Eddie Sosby was their leader and had started his radio career some ten years earlier and has appeared on various stations in the south and midwest.

Ray Bush, had his home in Georgia, starting on radio in 1939 in Augusta. He had also worked in Washington, DC and Detroit before coming to KFAB and becoming one of the original Omaha Rangers.

Patty Flye was from Missouri. She was also on the Renfro Valley Barn Dance and on the CBS network up until she joined the Rangers. In 1947, she was only 17 years old, but quite a musical veteran as she had begun her career at the age of six.

"Whit" Whitlow came out of Arkansas, and started his music career some 15 years before coming to KFAB and the Rangers. And for a time, was also an instructor at the Flood Conservatory of Music in Grande Island, Nebraska. He wasn't a singer, but they said he could make them laugh.

Johnny Sapp was a Texan and had played in some bands of some repute. For five years they say he was a part of the Ernest Tubb group on WSM. He also worked with Ted Daffen in Texas and when Mr. Daffen left that group, Johnny took it over for a bit. As another tidbit, Johnny appeared in the movies that Ernest Tubb filmed as the fiddler in those films. He was also a songwriter, for they mentioned in Song and Barn Dance magazine back in 1947 that his songs were published by Hill and Range.

Timeline and Trivia Notes

Group Members included:

  • Eddie Sosby, manager, emcee, rhythm guitar and vocalist
  • Ray Bush, steel guitar, vocalist
  • Patty Flye, accordion, vocalist
  • "Whit" Whitlow, bass fiddle and also steel guitar
  • Johnny Sapp, fiddle, vocalist

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