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Hillbilly-Music Folio Display

Klondyke Ed
Born:  March 6, 1887
Died:  May 25, 1936
WHO Iowa Barn Dance Frolic

About The Artist

They said Klondyke Ed got his name naturally as he went to the Klondyke in 1904 and leared the tunes the miners sang. He spent a few years in vaudeville before coming to Des Moines in 1920 and becoming the orchestra conductor in the Orpheum theater. Even by the time we find him in this program, they say he was still on duty there whenever there was a stage show. He came to WHO it appears around 1937 or so, if the program we found is from 1939. They said his overalls and bandana were a familar site to the audience.

Credits & Sources

  • Souvenir Program, W-H-O Barn Dance Frolic; Publication date, circa 1939

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