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Bill Reardon

About The Artist

Bill Reardon was working as a singer in Central Illinois in the mid 1950s. He got his first guitar as a present from his parents when he was twelve years old. His musical inspiration was the legendary singer, Ernest Tubb.

When Bill finished his tour of duty in the military, he returned to Ft. Knox, Kentucky and formed a band, the "Rambling Playboys". One of the members of that group at the time was a fellow by the name of Deacon Anderson, who went on to write the tune, "Ragg Mopp".

In 1946, Bill moved back home to Peoria, Illinois where he married the former Miss Dorothy WIlliamson who was from Louisville, Kentucky.

While in Peoria, he started the "Rambling Playboys" again, playing many night spots and radio stations throughout Central Illinois. The band was also keen on doing charitable appearances and would often do appearances at local hospitals.

In 1955, Bill Reardon and the Rambling Playboys had a half-hour television show—Hayloft Jamboree—that aired over WTVH-TV, channel 19, in Peoria from 8:30 to 9:00pm. (The article did not mention what day(s) the show was on.)

Credits & Sources

  • Country Song Roundup No. 37; March 1955; American Folk Publications, Inc.; Derby, CT

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