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Hillbilly-Music Folio Display

Suzie Chambers
CHML Main Street Jamboree
CKNX Barn Dance

About The Artist

Suzie Chambers got her start in country music at the age of eight. She would perform at chuch gatherings and functions, and started to play a 'hound dog' type of guitar and sang western songs. Later on, she learned to play Spanish guitar, harmonica, violin, banjo and piano. But mostly, she would sing and play her Spanish guitar.

In 1950, she decided to start her own band. Her band and act contained a variety of entertainment from what we can tell, side-splitting comedy as they called it, square dancing, singing and yodeling.

She got her first break on the radio when CHML's Main Street Jamboree star, Jack Kingston, heard her and booked her for several guest appearances on the show. Finally, she was invited to be a member of what was called "Canada's Largest Travelling Barn Dance" where she was heard almost every Saturday night.

She did a bit of songwriting, wrote some of her own comedy material and was known to bring the house down with her entertainement. Back around 1957, she was as yet unsigned by a record label, but hopeful of getting a contract soon.

She was said to have also appeared at the Crang Plaza, Palace Pier in Toronto and other television shows.

Credits & Sources

  • Country Song Roundup No. 51, August 1957; American Folk Publications, Inc., Derby, CT.

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