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Buddy Ferens

About The Artist

Buddy Ferens was a native of Montreal, Quebec. When he was seven years old, he was learning to play the mandolin. Later, he learned to play the guitar and started singing by the time he was twelve.

In 1944, they wrote that he came to Toronto to do some goodwill performances at venues such as hospitals and orphanages. In 1946, he did a tour with Ken Soble's Amateur Show. Then, in 1947, he formed a group called "The Mountaineers" which did personal appearances all through the province of Ontario. In 1951, his group joined up with King Ganam's show and they toured in various Canadian venues. Buddy also did some recordings with King Ganam's group on the RCA Victor label.

Buddy also appeared as a guest on CHML's "Main Street Jamboree" show in Hamilton, Ontario and did some guest shots on Cliff McKay's "Holiday Ranch" show on the CBS television network and also on King Ganam's televsion shows on the Canadian network.

Credits & Sources

  • Cowboy Songs No. 39 (February 1955); American Folk Publications, Inc.; Derby, CT.

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