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Tom Corwine
Born:  September 22, 1869
Died:  October 23, 1952
WLS National Barn Dance

About The Artist

One of the old-timers of the station and programs on WLS, was known as the "...philosopher and dean of all the people who make funny noises for the radio." They said he had '...driven enough imaginary pigs, chickens and cows out of the old hayloft to fill a fair-sized stockyard.' He was a comedian of sorts, doing unique imitations and full of witty comments.

Used to be on the old WLS Show Boat, the "The Floating Palace of Wonders" - he did many of the sound effects that made the program so 'realistic'.

The old Checkerboard Good Morning Hour radio program was always started by the crowing of a rooster. The listeners named that rooster "Checkers". The rooster was Tom Corwine!

When you heard him puring buttermilk from a jug, or priming the old wooden pumps, it made you thirsty.

Back in 1939, Uncle Tom as they called him, was just then celebrating his 52 year in entertainment. Known for wearing a captain's uniform wtih five stripes on the sleeve.

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