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Hillbilly-Music Folio Display

Guy Colby
Born:  May 15, 1891
Died:  October 12, 1965
WLS National Barn Dance

About The Artist

Guy Colby was one of the veteran square dance callers on the WLS National Barn Dance in the 1940s. He taught thousands '...to enjoy the vigorous rhythms of old-time dances'.

Said to radiate the spirit and vigor of youth, even after many, many years of callign square dances on Saturday Nights on the Barn Dance. Around mid 1940's or so, he was also teaching a large number of groups in the Chicagoland area how to do the old square dances. They said he found that sometimes, the square dances seemed to be a bit more popluar than the modern 'ballroom' dances.

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